Can't seem to get this idea of blogging out of my system. This is my fourth attempt at a real blog, excluding my various and sundry Project 365 blogs.
My last blog I started this past January. Loved writing it, but after only two weeks, I just couldn't keep up. I really, really gave it a college try, but the hours in the day just escaped me. Like a negligent parent, I abandoned my verdant blog at its earliest stages, before the poor thing even had a chance.When I tried to get re-acquainted with it again this time around, I cannot, (I'm embarrassed to admit this), for the life of me, remember my username and password. I've tried every combination, but....nothing. It's sad, because I kinda liked where that one was going: I liked the look of Wordpress; I liked the title and feel. But I am running out of email addresses, clever titles, and blog domains to keep on starting new blogs. So it seems that that blog will go the way of its ancestors and die a premature death of neglect.
The one before that was a blog I started to chronicle my upcoming wedding. Oh, there was plenty of material to blog about, and I went at it pretty strong for about a year and a half. But after I got married, I had a tough time keeping up with being a new wife and blogger (go figure), so that one died a somewhat slow but natural death.
The one before that was my first blog to try my hand at it. I'm sure there is a way to get back to the name and domain, but darned if I can remember it. That one was sort of my own personal therapy, so I'm pretty sure it's better for us all that that one disintegrated into internet dust.
So in the wake of my unfinished blogs floating around in cyber-space, I'm at it again.
Why do I think this one will be different?
I'm not sure. I'm not really any less busy; my days already feel too full and too short. But I do know that there is something about blogging that helps me process life better. So, if I view it like that, it's not spare time I use for blogging; it's necessary personal time to help me function better.
Why now?
Well, I've had some recent life events that have been somewhat significant, and I think this medium will be helpful for me to process it all out. In addition, I've recently seen so much value in being open and transparent rather than hiding behind a facade of strength. Others who have been open and real have been truly inspirational to me, and then, the times I've opened up my life to others - it has been a surprisingly supportive and encouraging experience. The benefits of sharing are mutual, so that is motivating to me.
Will this blog follow in the footsteps of its predecessors?
It's possible. It's definitely possible.
But I hope not.